• 追求创新发展,技术领先,深化互联网与新消费行业布局 Pursuing innovation and development, leading in technology, and deepening the integration of the internet with the new consumption industry.
  • 致力于成为行业领导企业,为社会创造价值,为股东创造财富 Dedicated to becoming an industry-leading enterprise, creating value for society, and generating wealth for shareholders.



重庆若亚科技有限公司 Chongqing Ruoya Technology Co., Ltd.

创立于20215 Founded in May 2021

软件开发、智能控制系统集成、计算机系统服务、物联网应用服务 Software development, intelligent control system integration, computer system services, and IoT application services.

信息系统集成服务、安全系统监控服务、数据处理和存储支持服务、网络技术服务一体化服务公司 An integrated service company specializing in information system integration, security system monitoring, data processing and storage support services, and network technology services.



为客户提供一站式技术解决方案 Providing customers with one-stop technical solutions

服务内容包括软件开发、智能控制系统集成、计算机系统服务、物联网应用服务等。 Our services include software development, intelligent control system integration, computer system services, IoT application services, and more.

与百度、vivo、OPPO、三星、华为等头部媒体保持了稳定而持续的合作,已成为手机厂商商业化领域资质最全、市场占比最高的平台。 We have maintained stable and continuous partnerships with leading companies such as Baidu, Vivo, OPPO, Samsung, and Huawei, becoming the platform with the most comprehensive qualifications and the highest market share in the mobile phone manufacturers' commercialization field.



1、 使用目的

为实现您联机体验的个性化需求,使您获得更轻松的访问体验。我们会在您的计算机或移动设备上发送一个或多个名为Cookies的小数据文件,指定给您的Cookies 是唯一的,它只能被将Cookies发布给您的域中的Web服务器读取。我们向您发送Cookies是为了简化您重复登录的步骤、存储您的购物偏好或您购物车中的商品等数据进而为您提供购物的偏好设置、帮助您优化对广告的选择与互动、帮助判断您的登录状态以及账户或数据安全。

2、 我们保护您个人信息的技术与措施


3、 通知和修订
